It's been about a month since my Disney College Program phone interview, and I haven't heard anything. Along with the CP, I applied to a few Professional Internships because I want to start a career with the company. The wait is slowly driving me crazy, but recently I've been trying to accept the fact that it's totally okay to not know anything at this point. I know there's plenty of people also in my position, and some might be first time applicants to the program. My advice for anyone in the same situation is to relax and stop checking your email/ dashboard every five minutes because it will only make things worse in your head. This is something we want so bad, but we have already done our best with the phone interview and the only thing we can do right now is wait. As much as I want to control everything, this is something that is out of my hands. Thankfully, I haven't received the dreaded, "pending" email from Disney. This email basically says that Disney hasn't made a decision yet, but your status is pending a final decision. It doesn't nesecarily mean that you won't get accepted, but it typically results in a No Longer In Consideration (NLIC).
On a final note, it's okay to still be in progress. It's also okay that other people are getting accepted before you. There is no pattern by names, roles, ages, etc. that Disney follows. Everything happens for a reason, and there's only a few weeks left until they have to give us a final decision.
"Why worry? If you've done the very best you can, worrying won't make it any better."
-Walt Disney
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