Friday, May 29, 2015

Post Disney Depression

Everyday I see something somewhere reminding me of my days working at the happiest place on Earth. I am immediately flooded with emotions of joy because come on, its Disney. Once the joy subsides, I'm not going to lie I get a little jealous. Don't get me wrong I am so thrilled and happy for all of my friends who chose to extend their programs or move to a full time position, but I am insanely jealous. I'm also sad and mad at myself for not doing the same thing. 
Before the end of my program I was given a choice. A choice to either apply for an extension of my program, or go home. It took a lot of thought and many phone calls home until I decided to leave Florida and go back home to finish my degree. I rationalized with myself that this was the best decision. School was always the dream, and without attending a college or university I never would have been able to do the Disney College Program. It made the most sense at the time to return to school. 
I'm still proud of my decision to finish what I started, but at the same time I have that little voice in the back of my mind that's wondering if I missed my opportunity. Did I give up a chance to continue to a full time position with the job of my dreams? What if that was my one shot and I blew it. Leaving Disney was one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make, but I need to have faith that everything will be ok. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.
With all that being said, the post Disney Depression is a very real thing. Very, very real and horrible. I miss Disney everyday and dream of the day I'll return. I wish the best of luck to all of you wonderful people that are continuing your dreams with Disney. Keep making the magic!